Funding sources
The group receives its funding from several sources. Funding sources are expected to further diversify as the group grows and further funding is applied for.

Royal Society
The Royal Society has supported us with several small research grants including funding for a cluster of GPU enabled machines for work on dirty magnets won together with Nikos Fytas. Most recently, we have been awarded a Newton International Fellowship won together with Dr Manoj Kumar for work to elucidate the phase diagram of the random-field Potts model.

European Commission
We receive funding from the European Commission's FP7 programme in the Internation Research Staff Exchange (IRSES) scheme. Our network DIONICOS, Dynamics of and on Complex Networks, bundles the research on complex systems performed at 19 partner institutions the world over. A second IRSES network, SPIDER is co-ordinated by Christian von Ferber at the AMRC.

Coventry University
Through the Applied Mathematics Research Centre, an RAE2008 PhD studentship, the visiting professorship scheme and a number of further programmes, the group receives funding from Coventry University. A current initiative is the establishment of a University Research Centre in Applied Mathematics, which will entail significant extra funding for complexity research.

German Research Foundation (DFG)
Starting from January 1, 2008, the group receives funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft as a Junior Research group of the Emmy Noether programme. Details can be found here. This grant provides for a postdoc position and some PhD students. This funding is phased out in 2014.

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Funding for the extensive IT equipment of the computationally oriented group is provided, in part, by Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, by the School of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Sciences, and the Institute of Physics. The latter also provides the basic infrastructure for the group.

Center for Computational Sciences in Mainz
The group receives funding for a postdoctoral fellow from, a joint programme of computationally oriented research groups at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität and the two Max Planck Institutes located on campus. In a joint application with researchers from the Institutes of Physics and Nuclear Physics, our group received a grant for the acquisition of a GPU based compute cluster.