Welcome to my website

I am a Professor in Computational Physics with a focus on applications in statistical physics. I am based at the Institute of Physics of Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany.
With my students, post-docs and collaborators I work on problems in statistical physics and condensed matter theory with a focus on cutting-edge numerical simulation and optimization techniques. Specifically, we are interested in systems whose thermodynamics is dominated by the effects of disorder and frustration, such as specifically spin glasses, random-field systems, random networks, membranes and random-surface models. The development of new algorithms for simulations of systems with complex free energy landscapes and applications in big data are at the centre of a substantial part of the research projects. Finally, an additional strand of research concerns problems in socio-physics and the application of advanced numerical techniques to large datasets in the humanities. For details, please take a look at the research section.
Until 10/2020 we were based at the Centre for Fluid and Complex Systems of Coventry University, working with colleagues such as Damien Foster, Thierry Platini, Nikolaos Fytas and Taras Yavors'kii. There are still close connections with some members of the group being based in Coventry and co-tutelle agreements with Coventry University in place.
If you are interested in our work and, specifically, if you are considering to work with us, please don't hesitate to contact us or just come to Martin's office.
Finite-size scaling in high dimensions
Paper on the role of Fourier modes in FSS published in PRL[more]
Understanding fragmentation
Model explaining fragmentation of fractal structures in PRL[more]