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< MAINZ membership
06/12/2010 - Age: 14 yrs

Article in Physik Journal

Wanderungen in Energielandschaften

The December issue of the science magazine Physik Journal of the German Physical Society (DPG) features an article on “Wanderungen in Energielandschaften” (Excursions in Energy Landscapes) by Andreas Heuer, Michael Kastner, Alexander Hartmann and myself.

This article originated in our joint “Symposium Energy Landscapes: Statistical Physics of (Spin-)Glasses, Biomolecules, Clusters and Optimization Problems” at this year's DPG spring meeting in Regensburg.

Hopefully, it draws some extra attention to this interesting field at the intersection of statistical mechanics, soft-matter physics, optimization theory and (bio-)chemistry.

You can find a copy of the article here on the website.